Pulau Seribu | Thousand Islands

Vacation at Thousand Islands

Pulau Seribu - The Paradise of Jakarta

Jakarta is the capital of the famous Indonesian state with a busy life and never be devoid of all community activities. However, Jakarta has one very famous tourist sites. Tourist locations are located in the northern city of Jakarta and can be regarded as a paradise city of Jakarta. Because the location of this tour, have a variety of natural beauty and also the facilities were very inadequate and devoid of any activity of the bustle of the capital. 


These tourist sites named Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu ( Thousand Islands National Park ). Thousand Islands National Park is a nature conservation zone which is always considered by the district thousand islands. This is done in order to maintain natural ecosystems and thousand island to stay awake and better. For those of you who like snorkeling and diving, please do not hesitate to go to the Thousand Islands. Because Thousand Islands have the diversity of colorful marine life.

If you want trip to the Pulau Seribu ( Thousand Islands ) , please contact a Agency Travel Pulau Seribu reliable in jakarta.

Enjoy Your Holiday In Jakarta, just at Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu

Pulau Putri Resort - Kepulauan Seribu

Vacation Beach - Pulau Putri Resort


Pulau Putri is an island that has been developed into a luxury resort with many facilities and has a natural beauty that is still well preserved. The existing facilities on the Pulau Putri, among others: Sunset Cruise, Undersea Aquarium, Glass Bottom Boat, mini waterboom, and many more facilities that you can enjoy in the Pulau Putri Resort - Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta.


Pulau Putri has a travel time of 90 minutes from the marina dock Ancol Jakarta by speedboat. Bring your family and their relatives, to enjoy the beauty of the Pulau Putri beach tourism - Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta.