Pulau Seribu | Thousand Islands

Vacation at Thousand Islands

Pulau Putri Resort - Kepulauan Seribu

Vacation Beach - Pulau Putri Resort


Pulau Putri is an island that has been developed into a luxury resort with many facilities and has a natural beauty that is still well preserved. The existing facilities on the Pulau Putri, among others: Sunset Cruise, Undersea Aquarium, Glass Bottom Boat, mini waterboom, and many more facilities that you can enjoy in the Pulau Putri Resort - Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta.


Pulau Putri has a travel time of 90 minutes from the marina dock Ancol Jakarta by speedboat. Bring your family and their relatives, to enjoy the beauty of the Pulau Putri beach tourism - Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta.